Saturday 11 June 2011


A husband, a wife and their two small children were escaping
from Cuba on a small boat. The waves were approximately
three to four stories high. This caused one of their children
to fall off the boat. The ferocious ocean in no time swallowed
the fallen kid into its debts.

The father, upset and discouraged by such tragedy, put the
paddles down, sat on a corner of the boat, and burst into tears
for hours.

With the boat almost sinking, the wife took the paddles in one
hand and their only left child on the other one, and said to the
husband, "Yes, we lost one of our dear children. And if we don't
get up and row this boat through this storm, we are going to
lose the one that still alive."

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life - it goes on."
- Robert Frost.

"Rise above the storm and you will find the sunshine." - Mario Fernandez

"In the black, there is some white; In the wrong, there is some right; In the dark,
there is some light; In the blind, there is some sight." - Abhinyana.

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